Rycote Invision INV-6 Microphone Shock Mount

Rycote Invision INV-6 Microphone Shock Mount

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Product Description

The INV-6 is designed for either boompole or static use on a desk/floor microphone stand. Like the InVision INV-1, INV-2 and INV-3 they have the standard bar and can be used with smaller remote capsule microphones. Specification: The standard lyre webs are 70mm wide to provide improved isolation when used on a boom, fit on a standard bar and can be adjusted and tightened by the star knob. Available with either 9.5mm clip including a reducing sleeve (INV-4), 1 x 9.5mm and 1 x 20mm clip (INV-5) or 19mm-25mm universal clip (INV-6). Fitted with 2 x 19/25mm clips, on Standard (70mm) lyres Small bar - 25mm (1") centres. Max. Length - 120mm. Suitable for following microphones on fixed or boomed use: *AUDIX M1280 *OCTAVA MC 012

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