Rycote Stickies Lavalier Undercovers- 30 Disposable Adhesive
Product Description

Undercovers are designed to affix lavalier microphones to skin and clothing while reducing both wind and rustle noise. Overcovers are designed to affix lavalier microphones to skin and clothing while reducing greater wind noise. Stickies can be used as replacement adhesive pads for Overcovers or alone as a method of affixing lavaliers to skin & clothing. Each includes 30 The adhesive materials used for our Stickies is hypoallergenic and are both suitable for use on fabrics & skin.
Stickies are the double sided adhesive pads that form the basis of our undercover and overcover systems. The adhesive materials used in our Stickies is hypoallergenic and suitable for use on both fabric & skin. The adhesive pads are simply peeled from a sheet, and pressed onto the skin or clothing. The top liner can then be peeled from the pad and the microphone is then simply pressed onto the adhesive pad, and the fabric/fur cover placed on top. Additional packs of 30 or 100 Stickies can be purchased also.
Stickies disposable adhesive pads - 100 Packs include 100.