CCM 2 Ug Omni, flat frequency response, near field
Product Description

Schoeps Compact Microphone CCM 2 Lg THE COMPACT MICROPHONE SERIES - CCM L WHICH INCLUDES A K5 LU (16') DETACHABLE CABLE. 12V - 48 V PHANTOM POWERED WITH XLR-3M, SGC INCLUDED, MATTE GRAY FINISH.*omnidirectional pattern *flat frequency response *corrected for the free (near) sound field *for use close to the sound source (frontal sound incidence).As can be seen from the frequency response curve, this microphone type has a flat frequency response for frontal sound incidence. This yields a very natural sound when recordings are made within the reverberation radius, where the direct sound (frontal incidence) predominates over the reverberant sound (random angles of incidence).This microphone type can and should be used fairly close to the sound source - the sound image never becomes overly brilliant or sharp - and should be directed towards it, since there is some loss of high frequencies in sound arriving off axis.The MK 2 capsule has qualities of a measurement microphone and is used in acoustimetric applications, where it has gained a considerable reputation.For calibration with B&K devices a mechanical adapter (type AMBK1, from 20 mm to one inch diameter) is available.