CCM 2S Ug Omni, slight high frequency emphasis for universal use
Product Description

Schoeps Compact Microphone CCM 2S THE COMPACT MICROPHONE SERIES - CCM U WITH ATTACHED 5 METER (16') HARDWIRED CABLE 12V - 48V PHANTOM POWERED WITH XLR-3M, SGC INCLUDED, MATTE GRAY FINISHomnidirectional pattern slight high-frequency rise to compensate for losses at recording distance near the reverberation radius for universal use The MK 2S or CCM 2S exhibits a slight high-frequency emphasis for frontal sound incidence, with only a slight rolloff of high frequencies off axis and in the reverberant sound field.This microphone type represents a technically sophisticated and attractive compromise between the two extremes represented by the MK 2/ CCM 2 and the MK 3/ CCM 3, and is thus close to being universally applicable.It has been proven particularly useful in two- and three-microphone stereo arrays, where its normal placement near the reverberation radius of the sound field presents a sonically balanced pickup favored by many recording engineers. These models have become our most popular pressure transducers.