AKDMS/3U, DMS Surround breakout cable, 7-pin to (3) XLR-3M
Product Description

2 ?CCM 4VL cardioid compact microphones (or a CCM 41VL supercardioid can be substituted for the forward-facing cardioid at a small increase in price) 1 ?CCM 8L figure-8 compact microphone special shock mount for the three compact microphones adapter cable from three Lemo plugs to one XLR-7 output basket-type windscreen "Windjammer" windscreen cover KDMS 5U 5-meter (16.5') XLR-7 extension cable DMS passive splitter box The DMS splitter box is a passive device that simplifies connecting a double M/S microphone array to the phantom-powered inputs of preamplifiers or mixers that contain matrixing circuitry (e.g. 2 ?SCHOEPS VMS 5 U). It divides the three signals into five (the center channel plus the front- and rear-facing M/S pairs), and prevents the two microphones which serve dual functions from being powered twice.